Experience driven tech recruiters

Experience driven tech recruiters

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Identifying opportunities for lasting professional connections.

Professional Placement Services specializes in facilitating those connections, enabling highly competitive companies to access innovative technology talent and leadership proven successful in designing, engineering, producing, and marketing their bleeding-edge products to rapidly expanding domestic and international markets. We partner with our clients, helping them firmly establish their growth goals and in turn design hiring strategies that will allow them to secure those professionals leading the next generation of technological advancement.

Tech recruiters and consultants

The dedicated technology recruitment consultants at PPS stay ahead of advancement, maintaining a real-time understanding of advanced and emerging technologies coming to market. Our firm has the experience working in semiconductor, electronics, software, IT, AI, cybersecurity, computer hardware, microprocessors, robotics, fintech, telecommunications, and a host of other impactful technological sectors. From designers to engineers, from marketing to distribution, the tech recruiters at Professional Placement Services secure and manage talent at every step of your process, ensuring the quality of every candidate presented through an industry assessment process.

Through the use of a multinational network and the leveraging of strategic industry alliances and cross-sector partnerships, we offer a level of access that others cannot.

Versatility equals success. Our extensive placement experience.

Production Technicians
Software Development
Semiconductor Technicians
Cleanroom Technicians
Lab Analysts
Lab Technicians
Quality Inspection

PPS puts people first.

Tech recruiters who find the skills essential to success.